Rebecca & Quinn

There’s nothing that terrifies me more than waking up at 3 am on the night before a wedding to flashing lightning, torrential downpour and a storm warning. My mind immediately went to Rebecca. Imagining her sitting up in bed nervous and even more worried than me. When I woke up at 6am and sent her a message to quell her fears, I was so happy and surprised when her response was that her girls and her were dancing and singing at the top of their lungs. My response to her was simple. No matter what happens today, you’re marrying your person, your Quinny and I truly meant it. The rain finally stopped, and they did just that- married each other (again) in front of their family and friends.

Rebecca and Quinn are that couple who make you feel so warm. So when the sun finally set and the sky turned to fire, their love was felt all around.

timEless stories.



forever feelings
